Sunday, March 11, 2012

Diptych, what?

Today was week two day two of my intro to digital photography class at Emily Carr. So far the class has proven to be helpful in some technical aspects of using my camera. I am currently able to shut of auto, switch to manual and now play with the ISO, aperture and shutter speed settings. It definitely is going to take some practice, but I do believe that I am starting to get the hang of it.

So in class today we were discussing what a diptych is. By definition a diptych is "a work consisting of two painted or carved panels that are hinged together". In class however we discussed images that were side by side, and watched two videos in a sequence that complemented and finished a story.

Example, video 1: sinful person going in water being baptized, video 2: repented person coming out of water after baptism. 

Do you get the drift? No I didn't really either at first. After looking at some pictures the idea finally began to sink in. I did take some pictures today of what a diptych might look like such as an elevator door closed, an elevator door opened. A water fountain, a water fountain dispersing water. On and off, cause and effect, conflicting ideas, etc.

However, I unfortunately left my SD card in the lab so my pictures I took are probably now with someone else. Thank goodness I have a spare SD at home. So since I cannot show you the pictures I took today I found a sample on the internet.

So do you see what I mean? Interesting right? So this week I am going to be focusing on different types of diptychs and finding ideas for the ones I need to do for class.

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